Into every life a little rain must fall...
Have you ever heard those wise words? Perhaps, if you are blessed enough to still have a grandparent, you may have been imparted many little hidden wisdoms like this one. Heed them well!
Into every life, a little rain must fall...
It's Natural. It's the ebb and flow of the ocean. It's the change of seasons. It's the breathing in and breathing out of Life. Sometimes it's a sprinkle and sometimes it's a torrent, but it comes.
The clouds drift in, the rain begins, the wind might blow, tears may flow but you must always know it will end.
There are umbrellas and raincoats, kind words and faith that help to get us through the storms in our lives.
It takes a little practice to know which one to reach for, but that comes with time and age. I suppose that's one good thing about getting older, we learn when to find a tissue and when to grab an umbrella!
April showers bring May flowers. What do February showers do? Tell you it's too warm outside to snow?
Wash away the remnants of that last snowstorm? Rinse the birdpoop off your feeders? All of the above, plus let you know in a whisper that the Earth is preparing.
She's preparing to have a party! To burst forth in all Her multi-colored, festive finery. The budding artistry has begun! The trees are thinking about blooming. The watering of silent roots and sleeping creatures beneath the surface is in progress. They soon will emerge hungry for the hors d'oevres of Spring... more rain (and sun eventually).
The Fairys will dance in the garden once again. The airy cloud Sylphs float overhead on white whisps of moisture. The elves and their kin will soon be tending to Life's unseen celebration. All unbeknownst to us.
All because the rain sent out the invitations. All because of the wisdom of Nature.
She sees around the corners, through the fog, past the storm and into the forest. And beyond the dark woods of uncertainty, there is a rainbow that makes everything "right as rain".
If you listen, the rain speaks to you. There is a whining in the wind, a whistling in the trees, a rhythm in the raindrops. It's saying "All is well. This too shall pass. Into every life... a little rain must fall.