Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Explosion of Life

     Can't you just feel it in the air?  The buzz, the excitement of a brand new season of growth, birth, multiplication and possibilities is a whisper no more.  A chance for birds and beetles to procreate and secure their survival!  Buds and pods, eggs and cocoons, nuts and seeds all waiting for just the right moment.
     Bunnies and baby squirrels, tiny oppossums and raccoons all wait in their respective nests, huddled against the still chilly nights with their brothers and sisters.  Some are hairless and with no warm blankies to draw up against the windy and sometimes rainy elements.
     Some are early bloomers and some are early risers, but all are programmed with Nature's perfect timing.  Little alarm clocks are going off all across the yard and field,  silent to us humans but loud and clear to those with places to go, mates to woo, and important things to do, pollinate, hatch and discover.
     The flowers are all a-buzz, birds are all a-twitter, trees are all a-pouffe of powdery pollen. When I see that the Purple Martins have returned and I hear the familiar sound of wearing car brakes (the tseet-tseet-tseet of my pair of Blackpoll Warblers) then I know it's on!  Cabbage White Butterflies are the first to begin their fluttering dance.  The final piece in the puzzle is the intoxicating fragrance of wild roses wafting along the stream bed out back.
     As the season proceeds, more and more of our familiar Summer residents arrive.  Marge the Muskrat waddles around with mouthfuls of grass for her underground burrows.  Berry bearing trees fill with comical and exotic looking Cedar Waxwings as new bird songs fill the sweet blossom-perfumed air.  The first baby duckling has officially made his or her appearance and the three Robin hatchlings are bursting out of the mud nest already.
     Twitters, tweets and trills are a cacaphony of Spring music to accompany the swaying whoosh of breezes in the tree-zes.  :)  Birds are in an animated state of nest building, territory defending and nestling feeding.  And... in the cool evening dusk, as the frenzy of activity begins to subside, the treefrog and cricket orchestra commences.
     Take it in.  Find the fragrance in the air and follow it to discover it's origin.  Listen to the peeps and croaks and see from whence they emanate.  Tis the season of awakening for them and delicious discovery for us! 
     The Chrysalis of Spring has burst spilling feathers and petals, berries and leaflets, gossamer wings and raindrops down blessing the desolate Winter ravaged earth.  Enjoy the rapture of newness and let your senses soar!