Sunday, August 9, 2015


The beauty of a dragonfly sparkling in the sun,
Dashing, dancing, darting, having dragonfly fun.

Trill of birdsong, scent of rose, glowing sunset view…
Each a tribute to the One who enlivens me and you.

Can we begin to understand the consciousness that was birthed
In each and every being on this magnificent earth?

If caterpillars’ chrysalis and birds’ migration awes,
Then Infinite Intelligence inspires Nature’s laws.

And what if there’s much more to know?  Imagine, do we dare?
That mountains, trees and waterfalls are similarly aware.

The mystery and majesty of a butterfly’s intent
Remains a veiled intimacy we behold, but can’t comprehend.

Changing of the seasons, ebb and flow of tide…

There’s eternity embedded in us, interconnected from the inside.