Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Aspire To Be Unencumbered

I am unencumbered, I am free.
I float through my days like a leaf on a breeze.
I spew nor retain any malice debris.
I blow through my life as wind in the trees.

I am unencumbered, I let myself dream.
I joyously harbor no wrath.
I merrily dance on life's energy stream.
I carry no excess along my path.

I am unencumbered, I bear no ill will.
Light as a feather I fly.
I no longer labor by travelling uphill.
I'm a wisp of a cloud in a bright blue sky.

I am unencumbered, a bird on the wing.
I roll and I flow like a brook o'er a glade.
My Soul swells to the song that I sing,
while I march my own Happy Parade.

I am unencumbered, I choose my own way.
I tweak and adjust as I go.
I feel my way through every part of my day,
Alert and aware of the flow.

I am unencumbered, and I am in charge
of what seems to be happenstance, fate.
I relax and I know my Source is at large
and with It I will Co-Create.

Unencumbered and free is a possible state.
Letting go of what troubles us, key.
Put aside the crippling myth of "Fate",
Captain you ship and be free!