What does simplicity mean to you?
Is it quiet time alone in Nature?
~few sounds, minimal distractions,
~the least possible components of solace? Or joy?
~Multi colored leafy gems against a clear blue sky?
~The song of a bird, the scent of fresh cut grass?
~A leaf quivering in the breeze?
Or a good book, a crackling fireplace on a cool night?
~ Family time at the beach?
~A simple meal shared with friends, laughing?
Feeling the warmth of a pet on your lap or by your side?
~Noticing that wild creatures want for nothing, content as they forage & hunt for Nature's inevitable bounty?
Simple pleasures, uncomplicated moments, cycles of seasons and lives.
~Patterns of motion and stillness, sound and silence, bright and dark,
~Yin and yang, warmth and cold, waxing and waning...
Something delightful lying in wait, yet undiscovered...