Tuesday, October 29, 2019


Watching the leaves come tumbling down,
I'm tempted to give in to sadness, and frown.
Summer's eternal (in recent recall)
But there's no denying the arrival of Fall.

Missing the sweet scents and blooms of July,
Fruits in my garden, a bright blue clear sky.
The shifting of Seasons, wild rain clouds and wind,
Herald replacement of days that have been.

The fragrance of apples and dry, leaves of brown
Surround trips to farm stands just outside of town. 
Cinnamon, pumpkins, sweet cider and mums
Are replacing the Summertime treats one by one.

Well, ready or not this Autumn is here!
I'd rather just smile than to shed bitter tears.
After all, It is only a number of days
Before Winter's cold breath will blow Fall away!

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nature Knows Best

 Where did we ever get the idea that we know everything?  Is there not still some mystery left in the Universe for us to discover?  How presumptuous are we as a human species?  All rhetorical questions, of course, for which there are no satisfying answers.

  We are always assuming that if something is "struggling" (by human standards) we need to step in and put our big fat handprint on it.  Maybe some things are just "Nature's way".  Perhaps our interjection is just interference and hubris.  What if our opinion of the way things "ought to be" is wrong?  Maybe our human ideas are unwanted by Nature, by the animal, and botanical kingdoms.

  Not trying to be negative here, but, speaking from personal experience.   The times I have tried to "help" have only made the situation worse, leaving me feeling inept and feckless.  Perhaps I should have left well enough alone!  And that, in a nutshell, is my message.  Nature Knows Best! Trust her!!