Wednesday, January 23, 2019

The Music of the Spheres

If you listen carefully, you may begin to hear,
The Universe vibrating out the music of the spheres.

The Hum, the Hush, the Rush of particles in space,
The ancient song of mermaids, the sound that stardust makes.

The vacuum of space allows for unrestricted flow.
Sound, vibration, notes and tone emitted long ago

Traverse the void of nothingness that's filled with mystery,
Delivered to our collective Soul, from tomes of history.

An angel's voice, a loved one passed, a message on the wind,
A whisper of eternity that roars above the din.

There is a buzz, a rhythm, that lies within as well.
It's beckoning and calling us to listen to It tell

The story of akashic scrolls, of annals hidden, cloaked.
Faint tidings of old memories, that only time bespoke.

This living, breathing earth we ride is part of All That Is.
Waters, winds, and lightening storms, insects and whales' spout fizz,

Sweet birdsong, chirp, beast's bleat or bark, is bliss to one who "hears".
Together all of us compose the music of the spheres.


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